Crocodiles Eating a Man

By on March 19, 2015

Tourists Surprised to See Crocodiles Eating a Man

Here’s something you don’t see every day. British tourists were on a sunset cruise along the Zambezi River between Zimbabwe and Zambia and were shocked to see crocodiles eating a man.

Yeah, let that sink in a bit.

Crocodiles were eating a man. According to The Telegraph, the group and their guide spotted the crocodiles feeding on something as they moved down the river from their camp on the Zambian side.

Crocodiles eating a man river cruiseA big honkin’ crocodile. And not Lyle. (Image courtesy Alamy).

When they got closer, they realised it was the bottom half of a human. They reported the sighting to the authorities but when police arrived, there were no remains left.

All that was left of were his trousers.

Yeah, that’s more than a bit disturbing.

Authorities believe the body was that of a Zambian man who was among a group of 13 suspected poachers ambushed by rangers in Zimbabwe two days earlier.

Karma is a cruel mistress.

Trevor Lane of the Bhejane Trust, a Zimbabwean conservation group, said one person was killed outright in the resulting confrontation, and local intelligence suggested only nine made it back over the river.

“We strongly suspect it was a poacher,” Mr Lane told the South African Press Association. “Maybe he was wounded and tried to swim across the river.”

Don’t Live in Zimbabwe

Evidently crocodile attacks are frequent in Zimbabwe and in the past three months three children have been victims. In January, a Ugandan fisherman tracked down and killed a giant crocodile after it ate his pregnant wife as she collected firewood at the edge of a lake.

Locals are also fighting back. The Manica Post reported on Friday that a large crocodile from the Mazonwe River in eastern Zimbabwe was finally killed by state rangers earlier in the week. It had been blamed for the deaths of 10 people since mid-2014.

So, um, my advice is to stay away from water in Zimbabwe.